Any person tasked with planning a new urban development, or who is required to oversee the addition of new structures in an existing community has a duty to those that live and work in the area to conduct appropriate work to ensure that the way sound travels does not have a disruptive effect. Back in 1972, the World Health Organisation declared that noise is a pollutant, that is, something that can have a detrimental impact on the quality of life.
Sound consulting and its importance in urban areas is an issue that cannot be overlooked and should never be downplayed. An urban environment sees a greater degree of interaction between different surfaces and materials and experiences many more types of sound that are uncommon in more remote areas.
The nature of the materials used to construct buildings plays a huge part in how noise will be transmitted and so it is vital that any planning incorporates an in-depth professional assessment to ensure that compliance is achieved in line with regulatory authorities. Consideration must also be made with regards to the construction process and the difference such work will make in terms of the sound levels in the area.
At Koikas Acoustics, we have worked with countless planners and project managers on a range of different issues that concern urban development. Many different aspects need to be considered on the environmental front alone.
Take for example an ambitious commercial development proposal due to be constructed close to a new residential community in a growing suburban community. Where businesses are anticipated, this will increase the road traffic and potentially even lead to rail, bus and aircraft sound increasing.
Furthermore, additional people will move to the area and raise their families while they work. As such, childcare centres, educational facilities of all types, medical centres, places of worship, service stations, sports facilities and entertainment venues can be expected. Many of these buildings require refrigeration, extraction fans, pumps and air-conditioners.
As you can see, planning for even a residential community leads to changes in sound, which, therefore, must be appropriately assessed so that measures can be taken to limit the negative impact it can have on the quality of life.
Sound consulting and its importance in urban areas is something that those in the construction industry know all too well. The requirement for noise monitoring, vibration monitoring and the need for a noise and vibration plan of management are all essential.
At Koikas Acoustics, we believe that while progress is to be celebrated, it should not come at a cost to those who welcome improvements to their community. Through proper assessments delivered by professional sound engineers, any developer or planner stands to save a lot of time and money up-front.
The advice attained from professional measurements and detailed analysis, combined with cost-effective acoustical solutions bolster the efficiency of the project, assure local stakeholders that their quality of life will not be negatively impacted and allow progress to proceed and benefit all in the long-run.
Urban areas require a lot of consideration from the outset. Each change made to the existing landscape will have an inevitable impact on how sound carries and is transmitted from that point forward. As such, with effective assessments, careful planning of materials and supportive technologies that achieve positive results, planning for a smarter, less polluted environment is made easier and promotes a stronger connection between the community, its business leaders and those responsible for creating the structures that define it.
Sound consulting enables community future-proofing and its importance in urban areas should never be overlooked. The best possible way to limit retrofitting acoustic solutions and spending vast sums fixing noise-related issues is to consult with a professional sound engineer at the planning stages and incorporate their solutions into the build.
Above all else, it is the smart way to boost the quality of life in any urban area.