Construction Noise & Vibration
Noise and vibration generated during construction works is generally assessed to surrounding premises in accordance with the Interim Construction Noise Guidelines (NSW DECCW, 2009).
Typical procedures to mitigate construction noise and vibration include:
- Preparing a construction noise and/or vibration plan of management at the DA or CC stage;
- Monitoring <strong”>construction noise and vibration at representative locations to determine if the applicable criteria are being achieved;
- Monitoring construction vibration at sensitive locations during the excavation stage so as to provide immediate feedback to construction workers when the nominated vibration criterion is exceeded and ensure that the structural integrity to surrounding buildings is not compromised.
Construction noise & vibration plan of management
The primary focus for preparing a construction vibration plan of management is to provide a framework for managing construction noise and vibration through the implementation of reasonable, feasible and practical mitigation principles and to facilitate communications between construction personnel and the surrounding local community.
Construction vibration monitoring
Tri-axial geo-phones are placed at critical/representative locations, usually on a solid concrete slab or on a 30 cm diameter and 1 metre deep concrete pier to measure the time history of vibration levels for the duration of the works. The vibration logger includes audible/visual alarm and/or an SMS to alert personnel when vibration levels are exceeded.
Construction noise monitoring
A noise logger can be installed at critical/representative locations to measure and log the noise emanating from construction sites to surrounding premises in 15-minutes increments. Monitoring construction noise levels over a duration of one week facilitates with determining typical level and duration of noisy construction activities and, determine appropriate noise mitigation recommendations.